Limited Treatment with Invisalign

The demand for esthetic treatment continues to grow, especially among our adult patient population. In response, we at Riviera Orthodontics have begun offering more types of clear aligner options so that our patients can still get their teeth straight without the appearance of braces. Two new options that we now offer for patients with mild crowding or spacing are Invisalign 5 and Invisalign 10.

As their names imply, patients who only need a minor amount of movement that can be accomplished with 5 sets of aligners (trays) may qualify for Invisalign 5. If you need a bit more correction, Invisalign 10 can take care of your treatment needs with up to 10 sets of aligners. An ideal candidate for these limited treatments might be an adult who had braces as a teenager and is starting to notice that a couple of teeth have shifted.

If your teeth are more than just a little crooked, you will probably need the full Invisalign option or traditional braces. However, if you are a good candidate for Invisalign 5 or 10, you can get your teeth straight with something more esthetic than braces and much more affordable than full Invisalign. And a set of retainers is included when you’re done!

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